The following plugin provides functionality available through Pipeline-compatible steps. Read more about how to integrate steps into your Pipeline in the Steps section of the Pipeline Syntax page.

For a list of other such plugins, see the Pipeline Steps Reference page.

Pipeline: GCP Steps

computeFirewallRulesCreate: Create a firewall rule

Step to create a firewall rule
  • name : String
    Name of the firewall rule to create.
  • action : String (optional)
    The action for the firewall rule: whether to allow or deny matching traffic.
    If specified, the flag --rules must also be specified. Must be one of: ALLOW, DENY
  • allow : String (optional)
    A list of protocols and ports whose traffic will be allowed.
    For example tcp:80,icmp will allow TCP traffic on port 80 and ICMP traffic.
  • description : String (optional)
    A textual description for the firewall rule.
  • destinationRanges : String (optional)
    The firewall rule will apply to traffic that has destination IP address in these IP address block list.
  • direction : String (optional)
    If direction is NOT specified, then default is to apply on incoming traffic. For outbound traffic, it is NOT supported to specify source-tags.
    Must be one of: INGRESS, EGRESS, IN, OUT.
  • disabled : boolean (optional)
    Disable a firewall rule and stop it from being enforced in the network.
  • enableLogging : boolean (optional)
    Enable logging for the firewall rule. Logs will be exported to StackDriver. Firewall logging is disabled by default.
  • loggingMetadata : String (optional)
    Adds or removes metadata fields to or from the reported firewall logs.
    Must be one of: exclude-all, include-all
  • network : String (optional)
    The network to which this rule is attached. If omitted, the rule is attached to the default network.
  • priority : int (optional)
    This is an integer between 0 and 65535, both inclusive. When NOT specified, the value assumed is 1000.
  • rules : String (optional)
    A list of protocols and ports to which the firewall rule will apply.
    If specified, the flag --action must also be specified.
    For example tcp:80,icmp will allow TCP traffic on port 80 and ICMP traffic.
  • sourceRanges : String (optional)
    A list of IP address blocks that are allowed to make inbound connections that match the firewall rule to the instances on the network.
    The IP address blocks must be specified in CIDR format, e.g.
  • sourceServiceAccounts : String (optional)
    The email of a service account indicating the set of instances on the network which match a traffic source in the firewall rule.
  • sourceTags : String (optional)
    A list of instance tags indicating the set of instances on the network to which the rule applies if all other fields match.
  • targetServiceAccounts : String (optional)
    The email of a service account indicating the set of instances to which firewall rules apply.
  • targetTags : String (optional)
    List of instance tags indicating the set of instances on the network which may accept connections that match the firewall rule.

computeFirewallRulesDelete: Delete a firewall rule

Step to delete a firewall rule
  • name : String
    Names of the firewall rules to delete, separated by whitespace

computeFirewallRulesList: List firewall rules

Step to list firewall rules
  • filter : String (optional)
    Apply a Boolean filter EXPRESSION to each resource item to be listed.
  • format : String (optional)
    Set the format for printing command output resources.
  • limit : String (optional)
    Maximum number of resources to list.
  • name : String (optional)
    Names of the firewall rules to list, separated by whitespace.
    Note that name field is deprecated in gcloud. Use filter=name('NAME' ...) instead.
  • pageSize : int (optional)
    Maximum number of resources per page.
  • printOutput : boolean (optional)
    Whether to print the output of the command to the console.
  • regexp : String (optional)
    Regular expression to filter the names of the results on.
    Note that regexp field is deprecated in gcloud. Use --filter="name~'REGEXP'" instead.
  • sortBy : String (optional)
    Comma-separated list of resource field key names to sort by.
  • uri : boolean (optional)
    Print a list of resource URIs instead of the default output, and change the command output to a list of URIs.

withGCP: Set GCP credentials for nested block

The id of credentials, presumably stored as Secret file
  • credentialsId : String

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