The following plugin provides functionality available through Pipeline-compatible steps. Read more about how to integrate steps into your Pipeline in the Steps section of the Pipeline Syntax page.

For a list of other such plugins, see the Pipeline Steps Reference page.

Discord Notifier

discordSend: Send an embed message to Webhook URL

  • webhookURL : String
    If you don't have a webhook url take a look at this intro to Discord Webhooks.
    Paste the entire url in the textbox.
  • customAvatarUrl : String (optional)
  • customFile : String (optional)
  • customUsername : String (optional)
  • description : String (optional)
    Message text which supports limited markdown.

    See Markdown Text 101 (Chat Formatting: Bold, Italic, Underline) for more info on markdown support.
  • dynamicFieldContainer : String (optional)
  • enableArtifactsList : boolean (optional)
  • footer : String (optional)
    Text in footer of message
  • image : String (optional)
    URL of the image under everything
  • link : String (optional)
    When set the title of the message comes clickable and leads to this url.

    To link the executed job use env.BUILD_URL.
    This requires Jenkins URL to be set in Global Settings.
  • notes : String (optional)
  • result : String (optional)
    Enum to set the build result. Accepts values SUCCESS|UNSTABLE|FAILURE|ABORTED. This field is preferred over success and unstable.
  • scmWebUrl : String (optional)
  • showChangeset : boolean (optional)
  • successful : boolean (optional)
    Either colors the message as green or red depending on success.
    Use currentBuild.resultIsBetterOrEqualTo('SUCCESS') to color the message green on success or red otherwise.
  • thumbnail : String (optional)
    URL to image displayed on the right.
  • title : String (optional)
    Message title
    To set title to job name, use env.JOB_NAME.
  • unstable : boolean (optional)
    Set to true to set the color to yellow (only when the build was successful, else this is omitted).

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