The following plugin provides functionality available through Pipeline-compatible steps. Read more about how to integrate steps into your Pipeline in the Steps section of the Pipeline Syntax page.

For a list of other such plugins, see the Pipeline Steps Reference page.

Alibaba Cloud ECS Plugin

EcsTemplate: EcsTemplateStep

  • attachPublicIp : boolean (optional)
  • chargeType : String (optional)
  • cloudName : String (optional)
  • connectionStrategy (optional)
  • credentialsId : String (optional)
  • dataDiskCategory : String (optional)
  • dataDiskId : String (optional)
  • dataDiskSize : String (optional)
  • ecsType (optional)
      Nested Choice of Objects
    • $class: 'UnixData'
      • $class: 'WindowsData'
        • password : String
          Instance login password, 8~30 characters, including three items (uppercase, lowercase, numbers, numbers, ()`~@#$%^&*_=|{}[]:;'<> ,.?/ special symbols in the middle order), cannot be preceded by a slash (/)
        • useHTTPS : boolean
        • bootDelay : String
          Indicate here the time in seconds to wait for the machine to be ready once the plugin detects WinRM is available. Unfortunately, on Windows during the boot, the WinRM service might be started, and then several minutes after will be restarted. If this restart happens during the agent provisioning that Jenkins does, Windows will prevent the WinRM client to connect again and the agent will not be correctly provisioned.
          A safe value has been found to be 3 minutes.
        • specifyPassword : boolean
        • allowSelfSignedCertificate : boolean
    • idleTerminationMinutes : String (optional)
    • image : String (optional)
    • initScript : String (optional)
    • instanceCap : String (optional)
    • instanceCapStr : String (optional)
    • instanceType : String (optional)
    • intranetMaster : boolean (optional)
    • labels : String (optional)
    • launchTimeout : String (optional)
    • maxTotalUses : String (optional)
    • minimumNumberOfInstances : String (optional)
    • mountDataDisk : boolean (optional)
    • mountQuantity : String (optional)
    • name : String (optional)
    • newDataDisk : boolean (optional)
    • noDelayProvisioning : boolean (optional)
    • numExecutors : String (optional)
    • region : String (optional)
    • remoteAdmin : String (optional)
    • remoteFs : String (optional)
    • securityGroup : String (optional)
    • snapshotId : String (optional)
    • sshKey : String (optional)
    • systemDiskCategory : String (optional)
    • systemDiskSize : int (optional)
    • tags (optional)
        Array / List of Nested Object
      • name : String
      • value : String
    • templateName : String (optional)
    • userData : String (optional)
    • vpc : String (optional)
    • vsw : String (optional)
    • zone : String (optional)

    alibabaEcs: Cloud template provisioning

    Creates an Aliyun ECS Spot Instance object, from an already globally defined cloud name and template without registering it as a Jenkins agent.
    • cloud : String
    • template : String

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