Managing Jenkins

Most standard administrative tasks can be performed from the screens in the Manage Jenkins section of the dashboard. In this chapter, we look at these screens and explain how to use them.

The tiles displayed on the Manage Jenkins page are grouped logically. Here we discuss the pages that are part of the standard installation. Plugins may add pages to this screen.

The top of the Manage Jenkins screen may contain "Monitors" that alert you when a new version of the Jenkins software or a security update is available. Each monitor includes a description of the issue it is reporting and links to additional information about the issue

Inline help is available on most Manage Jenkins pages:

  • To access the help, select the ? icon to the right of each field.

  • Click the ? icon again to hide the help text.

Other system administration topics are discussed in Jenkins System Administration.

System Configuration group

Screens for configuring resources for your Jenkins controller.


Configure global settings and paths for the Jenkins controller


Configure tools, their locations, and automatic installers


Add, update, remove, disable/enable plugins that extend the functionality of Jenkins.

Nodes and Clouds

Add, remove, control, and monitor the nodes used for the agents on which build jobs run.

Configuration as Code

Configure your Jenkins controller using a human-readable YAML file rather than the UI. This is an optional feature that appears in this group only when the plugin is installed on your controller.

Security group

Screens for configuring security features for your Jenkins controller. See Securing Jenkins for general information about managing Jenkins security.


Set configuration parameters that secure your Jenkins controller.

Manage Credentials

Configure the credentials that provide secure access to third-party sites and applications that interact with Jenkins.

Credential Providers

Configure credential providers and types


Manage users defined in the Jenkins user database. This is not used if you use a different security realm such as LDAP or AD.

Status Information group

System Information

Displays information about the Jenkins environment.

System Log

Jenkins log that contains all java.util.logging output related to Jenkins.

Load Statistics

Displays information about resource utilization on you Jenkins controller.

About Jenkins

Provides version and license information for your Jenkins controller.

Troubleshooting group

Manage Old Data

Remove configuration information related to plugins that have been removed from the controller.

Tools and Actions group

Screens for common management tasks and management tools that enable you to do administrative tasks without using the UI.

Reload Configuration from Disk

Discard all data that is loaded in memory and reload everything from the file system. This is useful when you modify configuration files directly on disk.

Jenkins CLI

How to use the Jenkins CLI from a shell or script.

Script Console

Execute an Apache Groovy script for administration, troubleshooting, and diagnostics.

Prepare for Shutdown

Prevents new builds from starting so that the system can be shut down safely. Displays a red banner with a custom message so that users know what is about to happen.

Red headband with a custom message

This does not ask Jenkins to stop; this action will just prevent new builds from starting. If you need to stop or restart Jenkins, you should use the command line or the /restart and /safeRestart end points. There is also a plugin called Safe Restart that will add a Restart Safely link in the UI.

Uncategorized group

Screens for plugins that have not yet declared the category of their page.

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