
Blue Ocean’s "Dashboard" is the default view when opening Blue Ocean. It displays an overview of all Pipeline projects configured on a Jenkins controller.

Blue Ocean status

Blue Ocean will not receive further functionality updates. Blue Ocean will continue to provide easy-to-use Pipeline visualization, but it will not be enhanced further. It will only receive selective updates for significant security issues or functional defects.

The Dashboard consists of a blue navigation bar at the top, the Pipelines list, and the Favorites list.

Overview of the Blue Ocean Dashboard

The Dashboard includes the blue navigation bar along the top of the interface.

The bar is divided into two sections:

  • A common section along the top.

  • A contextual section below.

    • The contextual section changes depending on the Blue Ocean page you are viewing.

When viewing the Dashboard, the navigation bar’s contextual section includes:

  • Search pipelines: This field allows users to filter the Pipelines list to match the text you enter into this field.

  • New Pipeline: This option begins the process of creating a Pipeline.

Pipelines list

The Pipelines list is the Dashboard’s default list. It is the only list displayed the first time Blue Ocean is accessed.

The list shows the overall state of each Pipeline configured in the Jenkins controller. The list can include other items configured in the Jenkins controller. The following information is displayed for each Pipeline listed:

  • The item’s NAME

  • The item’s HEALTH

  • The number of BRANCHES and pull requests (PRs) that are passing or failing within the Pipeline’s source control repository.

  • A ☆, indicating whether or not the item has been manually added to your current Jenkins Favorites list.

Selecting an item’s ☆ will toggle between:

  • Adding the default branch of the item’s repository to your Favorites list, which is indicated by a solid ★.

  • Removing the item’s default branch from this list, which is indicated by an outlined ☆.

Selecting an item in the Pipelines list will display that item’s Activity View.

Favorites list

The Favorites list appears above the Dashboard’s default Pipelines list when at least one Pipeline/item is present in your Favorites list.

This list provides key information and actions for a core subset of your accessible items in the Pipelines list. This key information includes the current run status for an item and its repository’s branch, the name of the branch, the initial part of the commit hash, and the last run time. This list also includes options to run or re-run the item on the indicated branch.

You should only add an item or branch to your Favorites list if it needs regular monitoring. Adding an item’s specific branch to your Favorites list can be done through the item’s Activity View.

Blue Ocean automatically adds branches and PRs to this list when they include a run that contains any modifications you have performed.

You can also manually remove items from your Favorites list by deselecting the solid ★ in this list. When there are no longer items in this list, the list is removed from the Dashboard. Selecting the favorite ★ for any item will bring the list back to your Dashboard.

Selecting an item in the Favorites list opens the Pipeline run details for the latest run on the branch or PR indicated.

Health icons

Blue Ocean represents the overall health of a Pipeline/item or one of its branches using weather icons. These icons change depending on the number of recent builds that have passed.

Health icons on the Dashboard represent overall Pipeline health, whereas the health icons in the Branches tab of the Activity View represent the overall health for each branch.

Table 1. Health icons (best to worst)
Icon Health


Sunny, more than 80% of Runs passing

Partially Sunny

Partially Sunny, 61% to 80% of Runs passing


Cloudy, 41% to 60% of Runs passing


Raining, 21% to 40% of Runs passing


Storm, less than 21% of Runs passing

Run status

Blue Ocean represents the run status of a Pipeline/item or one of its branches using a consistent set of icons throughout.

Table 2. Run status icons
Icon Status

In Progress

In Progress









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